It's been awhile since I've updated, and I'm sorry for that. It's been a busy time for for the film and myself. But I'm back now, so let's get you all updated on what's happening with Dawn!
I just got back from the Charleston International Film Festival the other day, and man was it a blast! Great films, great friends, and great parties! Dawn wasn't scheduled to play until the final day of the festival, so I had all week to promote the film. With the help of some good friends (both old and new), we handed out tons of our festival postcards all around downtown Charleston!
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Look for these at a festival near you! |
Crowd during Q&A! |
Dawn crew after amazing screening at the Cinebarre! |
But the fun doesn't stop now. Next week I'll be driving down to the Greenville International Film Festival! This is the first festival for Greenville International, and they are already doing a great job. Very excited to see what they have in store for everyone, and what films they selected for their first year.
I know that two great films will be playing along side Dawn. That is Pikey Holdredge's Madly Unto Eternity and Colin Levy's The Secret Number, which just so happen to have won Best Short Film at the CIFF this past Sunday. I'm looking forward to catching these films again next week, and hanging out with both Pikey and Madly's co-star Adam Bailey (also Dawn's First Assistant Director), who will also be attending the festival.
Please go to GVIFF's official website and check out the films they have lined up! You can also purchase tickets to Dawn and other films through their site, or you can just click here. Hope to see you there!
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Watch Dawn Thursday, April 26th & Friday, April 27th! |
I have one more thing to tell you all before I let you go. Dawn has been accepted into the Short Film Corner at the Cannes Film Festival! We are all extremely happy about having this opportunity to showcase Dawn at the worlds largest film festival!
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Festival de Cannes -- May 16th-27th |
So let me give you a little information on the Short Film Corner. This part of the Cannes Film Festival is set up to help the filmmakers of shorts network with other filmmakers and showcase their work. Dawn will be placed in Cannes' Digital Film Library, and will be available for screening at any time during the festival by distributors, industry professionals, and festival pass holders. And although this part of the festival is not in competition, there are a few grants that will be awarded by both companies and filmmakers who are in support of the short film industry. Now if only we can find the money to fly to France!
So there you go! You are now all updated on Dawn. Hopefully, we will continue to receive good news about the film, so we can share even more with you down the road.
Thank you for your continued support,
Joshua Matthews
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