Monday, July 11, 2011

Press Kit and New Crew Members

What a long night. But a fruitful night. After numerous attempts at a poster using production stills from on set, the decision to try something more representational with graphic art was made. And I think it was the right decision. Allow me to present to you all the final "Dawn" poster (click to embiggen):

Not only was the night spent on perfecting this beauty, but the website was updated in both looks, and functionality. If you click the "Press Kit" link on the homepage, you will get to download the film's electronic press kit. This will be sent to the film festivals we submit to later this Fall. Inside this kit, you'll find information about the film, crew, cast, and other nuggets of information. I think this turned out very nice, and I hope you all enjoy it.

None of this, however, could have been possible without the help of Brett Brooks, who took time out of his busy schedule to undertake this project. Brett also served as the film's storyboard artist.

I'm really appreciative for his time and work, because not only is he busy, but he's busy working on his first graphic novel, Dust Bunny. I encourage you all to check out his progress, and keep up with all the new updates he posts. This is going to be a fantastic novel.

We have also attached new members to the "Dawn" crew. I mentioned in my previous post that we are hard at work on finishing up the last bits of post-production, but I haven't formally introduced the new members.

Patrick Longstreth will be acting as our Visual Effects Compositor. He'll be in charge of making sure that the handful of VFX shots are integrated nicely within our film. I'm looking forward to seeing his work. The last time I worked with him, Pat gave us this. You can check out his personal website here.

In the ways of sound, we have James
Scullion as our Sound Design Supervisor. He's taking charge of making sure "Dawn" sounds as if it was filmed in the 1800s. Sound is half the film, and I'm both excited and confident that James will bring something new to the world of "Dawn".

Well, that's it for today. Thanks for supporting us, and I hope you like all the new stuff we're giving you.



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